What can I use the Reports for?
Color Persona offers a number of Personality Profile reports as well as Team reports and the Personify feature.
You can use any combination of reports for your needs. We will give you some ideas of how you can use our reports , but the usage of the reports is only limited by your imagination.
Color Persona - Providing Personal development solutions.
Personality profiling is for all.
Color Persona is focused on providing a number behavioural colour based Personality and Team profiling solution for everyone. In addition, we also have a Team Feedback profile profile. We use colour as a ‘common’ reference point and as a tool towards understanding each other as well as for self-discovery.
Our products can be used by businesses and organisations to develop individuals and teams in a cost-effective way.
They are effective tools for Senior Managers, Team Leaders, Life Coaches, teachers and individuals including Young Adults and those seeking to do a career review.
The profiles enable a better understanding of individuals and their relationship with others in a simple way.
The tools are relevant in both a business or corporate environment as well as in everyday situations.
The products provide relevant and useful information, and provides value for money.
Color Persona does not insist on specific guidelines when using our products:
Business Use
Color Persona reports and tools of ‘colour’ can be used effectively to understand, augment and manage people and teams by helping individuals to understand each other and inject good communication. This will result in a progressive learning culture for the business.
Color Persona can be used in Business for:
Employee selection and recruitment.
Team Development at different stages.
Mergers and acquisitions – understanding team composition for restructuring and changes.
Change management.
Management teams.
Staff retention.
Appraisals & Promotion.
Individual’s development.
Improving Interpersonal Communications in Social and Business Situations
Color Persona Personality reports provide tools to address and improve interpersonal communication by recognising a person’s behavioural preferences in the work environment and their attitude in the workplace. The report highlights:
- Areas of concern and strategies to address the concerns
- Suggest how candidates should communicate with individuals of other colour types.
The reports can supplement or be used as it is, for coaching on communication for individuals and teams to address the following issues:
Resistance to change.
Poor productivity.
Missed opportunities and deadlines.
Unproductive meetings.
- Ineffective teams
Communications Course
Many sections of the report can be used to put together a training course to address communication issues between individuals, within a team or alternatively use the whole report “as is” to focus on key topics while addressing the non-relevant sections in less detail::
Use material “as is” or adopt content sections to fit your method of delivery
Can use the whole report for a course or selected sections for selected segments of a course.
Use the communications strategy for candidates section
Use how the candidates should communicate with others colour types
- Use the personalised report to pickup on areas of concern and improve same
Some relevant profile report sections:

Team Building
You can you use the Team profile, online Personify features and Personality reports for team building workshops & courses:
Team Building Workshops
Use for Building New Teams.
When teams are forming.
When teams have a change of members or Team focus changes to a new project.
Team communication improvements.
- Identify team Colour Saturation and colour strengths
- Adjust team members to fit into a relevant team or the appropriate role for individual member.
Some relevant profile report sections:

View Online Personify Features
Some online Team Dashboard features:

By sharing their Personality profile report with team mates, colleagues, friends and family, the candidates stand to benefit from feedback, and gain further insights about themselves as well as identify opportunities for improvement. Using the personality profile as a basis for discussion, peer feedback arising from discussion should potentially reinforce the areas of strength, skills and value proposition that the candidate offers as a leader.
Leadership Course
The Personality reports are also designed for use by leadership and executive coaches to:
Outline effective communication strategies for candidates.
Evaluate the attitude, perception and decision making behaviours of candidates.
Evaluate how the candidate works in a team and address areas and strategies for improvements.
Identify strengths and weaknesses and strategize how candidate can use his various traits to best advantage.
- Use the personalised report to identify areas for improvements.
Some relevant profile report sections:

Life Coaching
The Personality reports contents can be used by Professional Life coaches as either supplemental material or “as is” to review a candidates current “status quo” and put together a plan of improvement:
Coaching Individuals
You can you use the Personality reports alongside other materials by leadership coaches, augmenting existing materials the coach may have:
Identify a persons present and clear current standing
Evaluate the strengths and potential areas of improvement
Address actions to take for corrective measures
Plan scheduled actions with candidates based on the report content in combination with coaches style and plan.
Some relevant profile report sections:

Young Adults and Education
Using Color Persona Young Adults Personality Profiles and Workshops in Education
Color Persona personality profile and Team profile reports are available for both lecturers and students; they are designed to help communication and teamwork for the teachers, as well as enabling the teachers to gain a greater understanding of the pupils they teach, and their preferred learning styles.
For Lecturers:
Leadership and management development.
Team development.
Senior management strategy meetings.
Culture change.
Anti-bullying workshops.
Progression Planning.
Young Adults and Education
Using Color Persona Young Adults Personality Profiles and Workshops in Education
Color Persona personality profile and Team profile reports are available for both lecturers and students; they are designed to help communication and teamwork for the teachers, as well as enabling the teachers to gain a greater understanding of the pupils they teach, and their preferred learning styles.
The students aged 16 onward can receive their own personal profile which helps them in the following areas:
For students:
Understand more about themselves, both strengths and areas of potential growth.
Invite feedback from others to give another external perspective.
Build on this self-understanding to develop more confidence and leadership qualities.
Better understand the behaviours expected of them to meet the requirements of employment, and learn skills to help them to do so.
Be better able to identify the sort of work that might suit their preferences.
- Provides a framework to enable planning for career and personal development.