Recruiter Profile

Recruiter Profile

In the Recruiter Profile, there are many sections of the report. These can be used to assess & summarise individuals interactions. Parts of the report can be used in a team workshop, as well as using the whole report “as is” to focus on key areas. You can pay less attention to detail on the non-relevant sections.

  • You can understand your candidates better and get more information about them.
  • How to understand a candidates colour, and their behavioural traits will give you an indication of whether this candidate would be a good fit for the job.
  • You can utilise the Recruiter Profile reports as input to your own summary report to your clients.
  • Identify areas of weaknesses in current career path and coach candidates on the areas they need to be focusing on in interviews.
  • The profile report highlights core strengths and weaknesses and communication style.
  • You can get a better understanding of the candidate without even meeting them in person.
  • Can be used to filter/finalise a candidate to ensure you understand the candidate in-depth before you put them forward to potential employers.

Profile Templates

  • Career Default

  • Simplified Career

  • Career Positive Profile

Profile Sample & Benefits

Recruiter Profile report preview
  • Add your Business branding in the profile reports and Business Partner back-office account.
  • Learn about your preferred communication style.
  • Learn how you should approach others with different colour preferences.
  • Identifies the values a candidate brings to a team.
  • Identifies a candidates potential Areas of improvements.
  • Share how others should communicate with you, using suggested Do’s and Don’ts.
  • Learn about your Colour D.N.A and how to identify people of other colour preferences.
  • A simple 4 colour system, No association with things like air, fire, water and earth.
  • Easy to remember and recognise people of other colour types and associated energies.
  • Uniquely Personalised report content to every individual.
  • Personalised charts to demonstrate and aid understanding of the colour methodology.
  • Learn about Introvert/Ambivert and Extravert and how you interact with others.
  • Learn about How you make decisions using a blend of thinking and feeling.
  • Get insight into how you interact with other people and what kind of work environment would suit you.
  • Discover how you learn using Sensing and Intuition.
  • Personalised Unconscious Persona chart illustrating your strong colours and low scoring colours, suggesting improving extreme colours (at either end of the spectrum) and reduction or increase of same.
  • No contract or commitment with Color Persona.
  • Own secure & Private Business Partner back-office Account.